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Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a report of the possible removal of the Genoa Indian School and a Winnebago man named Springer collecting money from merchants to go to Washington to prevent it.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding orphans returned home from the Genoa Indian School.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting Kansas student with a team of horses and a harrow.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting students making donuts with instructor supervising.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting students making bread with instructor supervising.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting students in workshop sewing dresses and doing needlework.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting students doing launrdy and ironing.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting student hammering in blacksmith shop with other students in background.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting students in workshop making window frames.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting students in workshop making harnesses with decorative horse pictures on walls.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting student officers marching.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, School Operations, PhotographsSummary
Depicting student with two mares.