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Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding Isaac Shoulderblade leaving Genoa and coming home to help his father.Digital Heritage
Families, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a list of enrolled students from the reservation.People
E. A. Hutchison, William Allen, Hiram Addison, William Basil, Russel Bullard, Willie Heenan, Herman Hill, Sherman Hereford, Joyce Robinson, Jared Smoke, Herman StClair, John Washakie, Joseph Lahoe, Fred Leonard, Amy Armejo, Carrie Friday, Dorothy Friday, Lu Hereford, Rose Lahoe, Lulu Leonard, Lottie Norse, Rena Redman, Alice Stoll, Elizabeth Shakespear, Birdie Wolfrang, Sam B. DavisDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding excusing Isaac Shoulderblade from school.People
Isaac ShoulderbladeDigital Heritage
Health, Disease and Mortality, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a summary accounting for the total school population on the Shoshone Reservation and an inquiry about enrollment.People
R. P. HaasDigital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding the need for equipment and the possible transfer of it from Genoa if Genoa is to be closed.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding an invitation to attend the commencement exercises at Genoa.People
Superintendent DavisDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding a request that a student from Genoa attend another school.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a bill for transportation expenses.Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding a possible transfer of funds for Charles White Wolf.Digital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding vacation expenses for Ruth Medicinebird.Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, FamiliesSummary
Regarding belongings of a pupil.