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- Families (1054) Apply Families filter
- School Operations (841) Apply School Operations filter
- Coming to Genoa (803) Apply Coming to Genoa filter
- Health, Disease and Mortality (689) Apply Health, Disease and Mortality filter
- Leaving Genoa (633) Apply Leaving Genoa filter
- Education and Curriculum (399) Apply Education and Curriculum filter
- Student Finances (345) Apply Student Finances filter
- Student Life (188) Apply Student Life filter
- Labor, Training and Outing (113) Apply Labor, Training and Outing filter
- Discipline and Punishment (65) Apply Discipline and Punishment filter
- Photographs (3) Apply Photographs filter
- Sioux (305) Apply Sioux filter
- Omaha (137) Apply Omaha filter
- Winnebago (81) Apply Winnebago filter
- Oglala Sioux (60) Apply Oglala Sioux filter
- Santee Sioux (50) Apply Santee Sioux filter
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- Ponca (33) Apply Ponca filter
- Chippewa (32) Apply Chippewa filter
- Sac and Fox (30) Apply Sac and Fox filter
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- Sisseton Sioux (3) Apply Sisseton Sioux filter
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- Northern Ponca (1) Apply Northern Ponca filter
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- Piegan Blackfeet (1) Apply Piegan Blackfeet filter
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- Record of Pupil (225) Apply Record of Pupil filter
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- Student Permanent Record (97) Apply Student Permanent Record filter
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- Vocational Record Card (44) Apply Vocational Record Card filter
- Registration and Schedule Card (41) Apply Registration and Schedule Card filter
- Returned Student Form (41) Apply Returned Student Form filter
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- Government Report (32) Apply Government Report filter
- Medical Record (32) Apply Medical Record filter
- School Materials (23) Apply School Materials filter
- Prevocational Record Card (20) Apply Prevocational Record Card filter
- Memorandum (15) Apply Memorandum filter
- List of Names (10) Apply List of Names filter
- Certificate of Promotion (9) Apply Certificate of Promotion filter
- Certificate of Transfer (7) Apply Certificate of Transfer filter
- Desertion Report (6) Apply Desertion Report filter
- School Enrollment Form (6) Apply School Enrollment Form filter
- Transcript (6) Apply Transcript filter
- Vacation Request (5) Apply Vacation Request filter
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- Discipline Report (1) Apply Discipline Report filter
Digital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Form for Susan contains very little information, but notes she has an annual income of $350.Tribe(s)
Susan LaFlescheDigital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, Leaving GenoaSummary
Form notes Roth has 160 acres of inherited land and has been "working for white men and farming for self" since he left school.Tribe(s)
Roth DixonDigital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, Discipline and PunishmentSummary
Document states Ellen's privileges were restricted after she returned from a week-long visit home.Digital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, Leaving GenoaSummary
Form notes Peter owns and cultivates 80 acres of land.Tribe(s)
Peter WellsDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Form notes James is still attending school in Thurston County, Nebraska.Tribe(s)
James PappanDigital Heritage
Families, Labor, Training and Outing, Leaving GenoaSummary
Form states Pearly keeps house, farms 80 acres of her own land, and has three children attending school in Pender, Nebraska.Tribe(s)
Pearly Campbell EssexDigital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and Mortality, Leaving GenoaSummary
Document describes relationship between multiple members of the Webster and Fremont families as well as general living situation.People
Julia, Morgan, Ida, Robert Smith, Theresa Lyndell, Emily Smith Hollowell Lovejoy, Jennie Solomon, Francis Grant, J. R. Asley Decatur, Grace G. Hallowell, Emily, Susan, Julia, Charley Fremont, Leona, Mrs. Emily Webster, Mrs. Webster, Mr. Webster, Sarah, Mary Pappan Mitchell, Mrs. Mitchel, Louis Webster, Mrs. Mitchell, Helen Fields, John Fremont, Emily Webster, Annie Webster, Sarah Webster, Annie Webster, Leona Webster, Rebecca Fremont, James Fremont, Norman Fremont, Hazel, May, Emily FremontDigital Heritage
Labor, Training and Outing, Leaving GenoaSummary
Form notes Warren farms rented land, but also owns 200 acres of his own land.Tribe(s)
Warren DavisDigital Heritage
Health, Disease and Mortality, Leaving Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Document offers basic overview of school statistics on enrollment, vacation departures, and children's hospitalizations for part of June.Digital Heritage
Families, Labor, Training and Outing, Leaving GenoaSummary
Form notes Alexander only attended lower grades, received training at Genoa as a tailor, has worked in farming since leaving school, and has three children attending Genoa.Tribe(s)
Alexander Black