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- Families (1054) Apply Families filter
- School Operations (841) Apply School Operations filter
- Coming to Genoa (803) Apply Coming to Genoa filter
- Health, Disease and Mortality (689) Apply Health, Disease and Mortality filter
- Leaving Genoa (633) Apply Leaving Genoa filter
- Education and Curriculum (399) Apply Education and Curriculum filter
- Student Finances (345) Apply Student Finances filter
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- Oglala Sioux (60) Apply Oglala Sioux filter
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- Prevocational Record Card (20) Apply Prevocational Record Card filter
- Memorandum (15) Apply Memorandum filter
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- Discipline Report (1) Apply Discipline Report filter
Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding 4-H Club work belonging to three female students.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a request for transportation fare for two students who wish to return to school.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding a list of students whose terms expire and who are subject for vacation.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding school being at full capacity, not accepting students.Digital Heritage
Student Finances, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding an request from student Hallie M. LaHoe for money to purchase clothes.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding enrollment and transportation for students.Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding transportation for returning students and an inquiry about transportation fare.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding an inquiry about the status and whereabouts of student Theresa Shoulderblade.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding arrival date for students.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding transportation arrangements with train companies for incoming students.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding transportation arrangements for five incoming students.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding a blank application to be filled out for a student from the Shoshone Indian Agency, and returned to Genoa for their records.People
Geo. E. Peters