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Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding the enclosed Monthly Report of Activities for April 1922.Digital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on Curtis Rave's home life with his father and stepmother.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the education and family life of Bernita Bear, age 11, including her language abilities.Tribe(s)
Sac and FoxDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family of Ralph Armell, age 13. Hamner mentions his parents' status as well as his siblings, Fern, Thomas, Phyllis, and Darlene, and reports on the status of the home.Tribe(s)
Ralph Armell, Thomas Armell, Annie Armell, Mrs. Kelsey, Fern, Thomas, Phyllis, Darlene, Lucile HamnerDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family and conduct of Edith Waseskuk, age 17. Hamner writes that Edith's parents are dead and that this has caused problems with relatives and with her education.Tribe(s)
Sac and FoxDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family and home life of Rose Powers.Tribe(s)
SiouxDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family and home life of Ella Davenport, age 13. Hamner states that the Davenport family is well regarded by the agency and that the home is "most attractive."Tribe(s)
Sac and FoxDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family of Earlwin Arrow, age 10. Hamner mentions that he is without parents and lives with his grandmother. He has two brothers, but only one, Leo, is listed.Tribe(s)
SiouxDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family and conduct of Ben Waseskuk, age 15. Hamner provides information on the size of the Waseskuk family, children's education, and the condition of the home.Tribe(s)
Sac and FoxPeople
Harry Waseskuk, Josie Waseskuk, Ben Waseskuk, Robert, Bertha, Belle, Elnor Ora, Helen, Billy, Sarah Dorothy, Louis, Lucile HamnerDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family, home, and home activities of Orville White Eagle, age 12.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family of Minnie Old Bear, age 12, and mentions Minnie's siblings are Fannie, Harry and Max.Tribe(s)
Sac and FoxDigital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
School Social Worker D. Current reports on the family of Rueben Clay, age 16. Current mentions that Rueben is an orphan and that he lives with his cousin. He also has an older sister, Lillie, and a younger brother, Levi.Tribe(s)