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Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, Student Finances, School OperationsSummary
Regarding returning funds to students no longer attending Genoa.Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding summer vacation requests from three students listed on document.Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding a check for Christopher Tyndall.Digital Heritage
Student Finances, School OperationsSummary
Regarding checks for funds belonging to students.People
Sam B. Davis, Hanika Grant, Mercy Grant, Nuumba Grant, Virginia Kemp, Bessie McCauley, Henry McCauley, Henry Saunsoci, Jeannette Parker, John Turner, Etha Porter, Maggie Porter, Dorothy Thomas, Fannie Thomas, Mary Thomas, Louis Webster, Ruth Webster, Lucy Webster, Clayton Wells, Gustavus White, Thomas White, E. J. BostDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding a check for a child's visit home.Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding checks to be credited to seven student accountsDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding student Rose Wood returning home.Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding a request for money for Christopher Tyndall Jr. Digital Heritage
Student Finances, FamiliesSummary
Regarding transportation for student Mary Warner leaving to see mother who is ill.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding the return, and other various placements for students who ran away.People
Eli J. Bost, Frank T. Mann, Mr. Davis, James Fox, George W. Fox, George Parker, Thos McCauley, Valentine Parker, Bernie Parker, Joseph Penn, Jacob Penn, Dorin Penn, Charles Saunsoci, Bernie Saunsoci, Minnie Parker Saunsoci, Filmore Walker, Frank Guitar, Emily Hewitt Walker, Silas Mitchell, Orin, Silas McCauley, Mary T. M. McCauley, Mary, Ethel Ruth Lasley, S. Toledo SherryDigital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding confirmation of funds received for student Numba Grant to home for summer vacation.Digital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding a transportation request.