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- Families (1059) Apply Families filter
- School Operations (1000) Apply School Operations filter
- Coming to Genoa (803) Apply Coming to Genoa filter
- Health, Disease and Mortality (727) Apply Health, Disease and Mortality filter
- Leaving Genoa (656) Apply Leaving Genoa filter
- Education and Curriculum (407) Apply Education and Curriculum filter
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- Sac and Fox (30) Apply Sac and Fox filter
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- Standing Rock Sioux (1) Apply Standing Rock Sioux filter
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Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding Isaac Shoulderblade leaving Genoa and coming home to help his father.Digital Heritage
Families, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a list of enrolled students from the reservation.People
E. A. Hutchison, William Allen, Hiram Addison, William Basil, Russel Bullard, Willie Heenan, Herman Hill, Sherman Hereford, Joyce Robinson, Jared Smoke, Herman StClair, John Washakie, Joseph Lahoe, Fred Leonard, Amy Armejo, Carrie Friday, Dorothy Friday, Lu Hereford, Rose Lahoe, Lulu Leonard, Lottie Norse, Rena Redman, Alice Stoll, Elizabeth Shakespear, Birdie Wolfrang, Sam B. DavisDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding excusing Isaac Shoulderblade from school.People
Isaac ShoulderbladeDigital Heritage
Health, Disease and Mortality, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a summary accounting for the total school population on the Shoshone Reservation and an inquiry about enrollment.People
R. P. HaasDigital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding communication with a brother of a set of student siblings, one of whom has run away, and brother requests they both come home for summer vacation.Digital Heritage
Education and CurriculumSummary
Regarding preparations for the Indian Bureau exhibit at the Panama Expostion.People
Cato SellsDigital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding inquiry about Issac Shoulder Blade returning to Genoa.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding the condition and repair of a floor sander.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and Mortality, School Operations, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding clarification of the parties involved for a transportation request, and a refund for the request.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding transportation being placed for pupils coming to Genoa.Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding students possibly attending Genoa and running away.People
Sam B. Davis