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Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding a check payable to student James Howling Crane.Digital Heritage
Families, Student Finances, School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding Thomas Washee's request to send money to his mother and the transportation of Saul Birdshead to Genoa.Digital Heritage
Families, Coming to Genoa, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Regarding an application and a physician certificate for an incoming student.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Student FinancesSummary
Regarding the receipt of two checks.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding acceptance and transportation for new student.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a letter from a pupil and the arrival of Saul Birdshead at Genoa.Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Regarding checks for deposit to four students.Digital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding the sending of $20 for the return of James Limberhand.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding notice for shipment of new and used clothing to the Flathead Agency, and instruction for voucher paperwork.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding the possible enrollment of eight boys.People
Sam B. DavisDigital Heritage
Regarding Wilson Stabler's wish to return to Genoa in the fall.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding unpaid monies for "sal soda" provided to Genoa, and the ongoing lack of response from Superintendent Parker.