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Digital Heritage
Families, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Document gives reason for enrollment as "Does not make a very good home for him. There are others who should be placed first."Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Document gives reason for enrollment as "So I could keep out of miscief and it won't be so hard for my mother."Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Document gives reason for enrollment as "To finish high school and finish some trade-"Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner complains about not being let into the home to interview the family and lists people she believes live in the home.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner writes approvingly of the Hensley house, but states Moses should go to school away from the reservation.Tribe(s)
Moses Hensley, Albert Hensley, Martha Hensley, Martha, Ellen, Mary, Sybil Evelyn, William Albert, AgnesDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner claims Lillian's mother is "glad" her daughter is at Genoa rather than at home and claims the family has a "bad reputation."Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
Families, Education and CurriculumSummary
Document lists Wesley Baker's scores for grades 7 to 10, taken between 1925 and 1929.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
Health, Disease and Mortality, School OperationsSummary
Regarding the Semi-Annual Report's arrival and gratitude for the work (and excellent calligraphy) of recipient Harry M. Smith.Digital Heritage
Education and Curriculum, School OperationsSummary
Regarding attending the N.E.A. conference, end of year programs, and changing the tribal affiliation listing of Lewis Hayes from Winnebago to Santee.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a misunderstanding about statistics on delinquent pupils who are not residents of Nebraska, as well as praise for Sam B. Davis's recent radio address.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, FamiliesSummary
Regarding Wilber Decora's potential enrollment at Genoa.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a possible former mistake or misunderstanding about the number of eligible Genoa pupils on Omaha and Winnebago reservations.