Application for Enrollment for Anna Phillips, 19 Aug. 1932
Document gives reason for enrollment as "Mother has IBC and not advisable to remain at home."Description:
Anna Phillips, age 12, applies to enter grade 4. Application mentions her father, George Phillips, as living and owning 80 acres. Application also mentions her mother, Lizzie Kemp, as living but has TB. Both parents are together and have land but acerage not listed.
Application for Enrollment for Anna Phillips, 19 Aug. 1932; Folder: Application for enrollment 1931-35, Box 1, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs. Winnebago Agency. School Subject Correspondence, 1921-1935; Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, NAID 6094120; Record Group 75; National Archives and Records Administration—Kansas City.