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Digital Heritage
Families, Health, Disease and Mortality, Leaving Genoa, Student FinancesSummary
Regarding a father looking for his son who ran away one year ago. He heard a student died and wants to know if it is his son or not.Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, Student FinancesSummary
Regarding sending Florence Night Pipe back to the reservation.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding an application for enrollment for Narcisse White.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a ticket for John Little Thunder to be billed to Genoa. Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, Student FinancesSummary
Regarding the status on the whereabouts of Morris Janis. Davis states he has no knowledge of a student death in Montana.Digital Heritage
Regarding an application for Robert Rogers.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
In regards to notification of acceptance for application.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Regarding sending the Roubedeaux boys to Genoa.Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
In regards to the administration and transportation process for students to go home for vacation except for the older ones they want to keep at school.Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding a list of students from the Rosebud reservation on vacation.People
J. M. McGregor, Sam B. Davis, Vernon Bordeaus, Felix Four Horns, Silan Four Horns, Chas. Moccasinface, Herman Haukaas, Minnie Starboy, Alvin Scissons, Joseph Hare, Victoria Hare, Virginia Hare, Anna Hare, Florence Nightpipe, Abraham Gunhammer, John Little Thunder, Victoria Rogers, Lorene Flyinghorse, Raymond Runninghorse, Reuben Dorian, Frank Dorian, Purcell Rainwater, Vern ScissonsDigital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
In regards to the return of two runaway students.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a ticket for Joun Little Thunder to be billed by Genoa.