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Digital Heritage
Regarding the enclosed letter from Alex White Man's father.Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding B. J. Young's trouble with his child or dependent, unnamed here, after he ran away from Genoa, and request to "Mr. Sherrie" to do something to help him with the boy.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, FamiliesSummary
Regarding Wilber Decora's potential enrollment at Genoa.Tribe(s)
WinnebagoDigital Heritage
Families, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Regarding Edna Thomas and her siblings' absence from school while their father is sick, and a request for her and her siblings to return.Digital Heritage
Regarding the poor home environment of an unnamed individual and a recommendation for "citizen Indians."Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding the enclosed letter, a vacation application, and the unknown whereabouts of the mother of the student who wrote the letter.Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding Fern Vivier's request for a summer vacation.Digital Heritage
An unknown school Social Worker reports on the family and home life of Josephine Stabler, age 11. Report claims the family wants the children to attend school.Tribe(s)
OmahaDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family and home life of Victor Little Bird. Hamner mentions three siblings, Lucinda, Clinton, and Frances.Digital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family of Dewey Roberts, age 12, a former student at Genoa. Hamner details the reasons for his leaving Genoa, and family life and living conditions.Tribe(s)
Sac and FoxDigital Heritage
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the education and family of Adam Sitting Crow, age 12.Tribe(s)
SiouxDigital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Labor, Training and OutingSummary
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on the family of Lawrence Armell, age 12. Hamner mentions three siblings, Bernice, Kenneth, and Blanche and reports on the status of the family members.Tribe(s)