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Digital Heritage
School Operations, Student FinancesSummary
Regarding student payments for tuition.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Student FinancesSummary
Regarding students' inability to pay tuition.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding transportation for students to Genoa.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding the application and school attendance of Susie Sandhill.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding transportation arrangements for students.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding payment for board and labor.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding transportation arrangements for students.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding transportation fare for two students.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding requested copies of transportation information for two students.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding an enclosed list of pupils whose enrollment term has expired.People
Sam B. DavisDigital Heritage
School Operations, Leaving GenoaSummary
Contains a list of pupils whose terms of enrollment are due to expire, including names, ages, and dates of entry.People
Daniel Blackfish, Joe Crow Eagle, Clifford Elk, Luke Goings, Chas. High Crane, Isaac Johnson, Jones Johnson, Louis Johnson, Walter Lakehouse, Raymond Lunderman, Noel Lunderman, Joe Mitchell, Oscar Norton, Frank Parker, Daniel Penn, Lyman Priest, Joe Red Horn, Jerone Smith, Robinson Smith, George Snake, Reuben (Hal) Snake, Reuben Snake, Hal Snake, Walter Snake, Clifford Soedt, Stephen Stabler, Louis Tebo, Loyd Tebo, Porter Twin, William Two Elk, Chris. Tyndall, Clayton Wells, Sherman Welsh, Christian WestermanDigital Heritage
School Operations, Leaving GenoaSummary
Contains a list of pupils whose terms of enrollment are due to expire, including names, ages, and dates of entry.People
Anna Arrowside, Louise Bigbear, Irene Bigbear, Mary Birdshead, Lorena Buffalo Chief, Wilma Colhoff, Sarah Collins, Frances Collins, Gladys Cummings, Fay De Cora, Angeline Degan, Jessie Deon, Bertha Ellston, Lorena Flying Horse, Alice Grant, Gladys Greyfox, Jeanette Kitto, Alice Mallory, Louise McDougall, Elizabeth Meeks, Maxie Onaha, Jeanette Parker, Grace Parker, Maggie Philbrick, Maggie Porter, Edna Rave, Josie Reagen, Bessie RedOwl, Eloise Rave, Jeanette Riggs, Rebecca Roy, Eloise Sonnicant, Virginia Stabler, Belle Wilson