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- Families (1059) Apply Families filter
- School Operations (1000) Apply School Operations filter
- Coming to Genoa (803) Apply Coming to Genoa filter
- Health, Disease and Mortality (727) Apply Health, Disease and Mortality filter
- Leaving Genoa (656) Apply Leaving Genoa filter
- Education and Curriculum (407) Apply Education and Curriculum filter
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Digital Heritage
Student FinancesSummary
Receipt for $15.00 deposit to credit of Whitley Lahoe for "Indv. Money."Digital Heritage
Leaving GenoaDigital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
List includes children's names, ages, and grade levels.People
Sterling Bigbear, Charles Blacksmith, Luther Buffalochief, Alfred Chapman, Foster Cournoyer, Peter Cournoyer, William Cournoyer, Reuben Ducker, Theodore Ducker, Norman Engen, Lemonte Feather, Andrew Finetalk, Kenneth Garvie, Stanley Garvie, Ernest Goodteacher, Jesse Grant, Wallace Grant, Lyle Hoffman Henry, Lorenzo Hoffman, John Hursell, Roy C. Hursell, Isaac Johnson, Roy James, Nelson Jones, Arthur La Clair, Albert Lovejoy, Ben Laravie, Dan Laravie, Harry Mackay, Andrew Peniska, Leo Peniska, Paul Allen Picotte, George Premeaux, Ambrose Redowl, Frank Redowl, Isaac Redowl, Raymond Reynolds, Alexander Rouillard, Theodore Robinson, Howard Robertson, Reuben Robertson, Albert Roy, Steven Roy, Raymond Roy, Peter St. Clair, Arthur St. Pierre, Lloyd Thompson, Roy Calvin Trudell, Joe Tuttle, Ben Whipple, Elmer Whipple, Scott Whipple, Walter Whipple, Phillip White, John Zimmerman, Mercy Benn, Louise Bigbear, Irene Bigbear, Ida Blacksmith, Pansy Blacksmith, Rubyy Brown, Agnes Brant, Lorene Buffalochief, May Cavender, Helen Chase, Jeanette Chase, Angeline Cournoyer, Margaret Cournoyer, Rosamond Cournoyer, Catherine Cournoyer, Adaile Eastman, Mary Gilbert, Melda Gilbert, Ethel Goodteacher, Melinda Goodteacher, Ada Grant, Bertha Grant, Nora Grant, Edna Headman, Irene Hoffman, Dorothy Hursell, Rose Hursell, Fannie Hursell, Florence James, Cornelia Johnson, Lydia Johnson, Pansie E. Johnson, Evangeline Jones, Laura Jones, Amelia Knudsen, Bernice Knudsen, Caroline Knudsen, Dorothy Knudsen, Ella Knudsen, Eleanor Knudsen, Elizabeth Knudsen, Geneva Knudsen, Linda Knudsen, Warline Knudsen, Helen Laravie, Elizabeth LeRoy, Marie Moose, Clara Peniska, Dollie Peniska, Irene Peniska, Lucille Peniska, Margaret Peniska, Winnefred Peniska, Mary M. Picotte, Evelyn Redowl, Juanita Redwing, Laverne Redwing, Florence Ree, Margaret Reynolds, Rosamond Reynolds, Melvene Rouillard, Millicent Rouillard, Narcisse Rouillard, Pauline Rouillard, Leona Roy, Marcella Sherman, Marie Roy, Opal Trudell, Pearl Tuttle, Fern Vivier, Verlma Henry Vivier, Alma Wolf, Helen Wolf, Rena Wolf, May Yellowhorse, Ida ZimmermanDigital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Contains a list of Santee and Ponca children en route to Genoa.People
Virgil LaPointe, Martin Trudell, Walter Whipple, Scott Whipple, Nancy Whitecoat, Helen Laravie, Theodore Robertson, Norman Bear, John S. Bear, Laverne Sherman, Goldie Pappan, Ruby Pappan, Elenore Knudson, Ben Whipple, Florence James, Alex Rouillard, Nora LaCroix, Pansy Johnson, Francis Chapman, Howard West, Bertha Grant, Nora Grant, Millicent Rouillard, Melvine Rouillard, Jeanette Chase, Jaunita Redwing, Adeile Eastman, Mary Gilbert, Cornelia Johnson, Norman Engen, Andrew Finetalk, Raymone Roy, Leo Sherman, Bernice Knudson, Linda Knudson, Demos Whipple, Willis Jones, Caroline Wabashaw, William Wabashaw, Mildred Rouillard, Myrtle LaCroix, Grace P. Williams, Pearle Tuttle, Marie Moose, Nina Hawk, Ethel Goodteacher, Opal Trudell, Roy Calvin Trudell, Lloyd Thompson, Melinda Goodteacher, Nelson Henry, Philip Rouillard, Fern Frazier, Marie Frazier, Starling Knudson, Irene Peniska, Vera Peniska, Nora Peniska, Lucille Peniska, Emil Goodteacher, Earl Rouillard, Joy Knudson, Melvin Knudson, Inez Rouillard, H. W. Sipe, S. Toledo Sherry, Mr. DanielDigital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Contains a list of children to go to Genoa.Digital Heritage
Leaving GenoaSummary
Contains a vacation list of Shoshone students and a list of students whose terms expire, including names and ages.Tribe(s)
ShoshoneDigital Heritage
Families, Leaving Genoa, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Regarding the requested return of Norris "Daniel" Crow and his treatment while he was at Genoa.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Two letters regarding train tickets to Genoa for Thomas Carson Walker and James Pappan.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding the transportation costs for five students.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Two letters regarding train tickets to Genoa for Henry Saunsoci.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Two letters regarding train tickets to Genoa for Willie Webster.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Two letters regarding train tickets for three students bound for Genoa.