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- Families (1144) Apply Families filter
- Coming to Genoa (887) Apply Coming to Genoa filter
- Health, Disease and Mortality (744) Apply Health, Disease and Mortality filter
- School Operations (657) Apply School Operations filter
- Leaving Genoa (584) Apply Leaving Genoa filter
- Education and Curriculum (358) Apply Education and Curriculum filter
- Student Finances (345) Apply Student Finances filter
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- Discipline and Punishment (54) Apply Discipline and Punishment filter
- Sioux (370) Apply Sioux filter
- Omaha (136) Apply Omaha filter
- Oglala Sioux (95) Apply Oglala Sioux filter
- Winnebago (79) Apply Winnebago filter
- Santee Sioux (50) Apply Santee Sioux filter
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- Prevocational Record Card (20) Apply Prevocational Record Card filter
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- School Enrollment Form (6) Apply School Enrollment Form filter
- Transcript (6) Apply Transcript filter
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- Discipline Report (1) Apply Discipline Report filter
- Memorandum (1) Apply Memorandum filter
Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding students from the Flathead reservation that will be sent to Genoa.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding an inquiry about the availability of surplus clothing for students.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding enrollment availability for children wishing to attend Genoa.People
S. DavisDigital Heritage
Families, Health, Disease and MortalitySummary
Regarding applications for three potential students.Digital Heritage
Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding enrolling pupils at Genoa.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding a thank you letter for clothing sent to the Flathead Agency for students.Digital Heritage
Families, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding the return of student Lydia Sun in accordance with her mother's wishes.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding a request for names of students attending Genoa from the Flathead Reservation.Digital Heritage
School Operations, Coming to GenoaSummary
Regarding the acceptance of students until Genoa is filled.Digital Heritage
Families, Discipline and Punishment, Leaving GenoaSummary
Regarding discipline of student Rena DeShaw.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding the opinion of Supt. Haas that student Rena Deshaw be kept at Genoa until enrollment is complete.Digital Heritage
School OperationsSummary
Regarding Davis and wife traveling to Arlee.People