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Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Education and CurriculumSummary
Regarding the enclosed transcript of Margaret Two Bulls and her satisfactory progress at Rapid City Sanitorium School.Digital Heritage
Education and CurriculumSummary
Regarding Oliver's poor performance in school and suggestions for two possible plans to address this situation.Digital Heritage
Education and CurriculumSummary
Regarding H. Bogard's agreement with Oliver Nelson.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Health, Disease and Mortality, Education and Curriculum, Leaving Genoa, School OperationsSummary
Regarding S. Toledo Sherry's April 1922 report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of his activities as Genoa's Day School Inspector.Digital Heritage
Education and Curriculum, School OperationsSummary
Regarding attending the N.E.A. conference, end of year programs, and changing the tribal affiliation listing of Lewis Hayes from Winnebago to Santee.Digital Heritage
Education and Curriculum, Leaving GenoaSummary
Program booklet for "Bits O'Blarney" operetta performed by students as part of the 1929 commencement celebrations.Digital Heritage
Leaving Genoa, Education and CurriculumSummary
Document states that student Susie Romero did not attend gym class, but was not marked absent for any other classes.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and Mortality, Education and CurriculumSummary
An unknown school Social Worker discusses school record, family information, and status on several children attending Genoa and their families.Digital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Health, Disease and Mortality, Education and Curriculum, Labor, Training and OutingSummary
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner discusses Albert Jones' history during the periods between October and November 1932. References his family history, family situation, and the status of enrollment at Genoa.Digital Heritage
Education and CurriculumSummary
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports that Edna was a former student at Genoa now a student at the reservation school.Tribe(s)
CrowDigital Heritage
Coming to Genoa, Families, Education and CurriculumSummary
School Social Worker Lucile Hamner reports on Donald Evans' school record as well as the education of his parents.Tribe(s)